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Terms & Conditions

We are a licensed, low-cost, high-service Name Change Specialist company, assisting you to use the courts and legal process yourself, and for purposes you have chosen to pursue. Our licensing information, for all the document services we provide, is shown below. 

We are personalized in our approach to helping you and so it’s important that we know you understand what we can, and what we cannot do for you. Your use of this Website (“” or “Website”), shall be strictly subject to Terms and Conditions (“T&C”) created by Nationwide Legal Network, Inc. (“NLN”) dba EZ Name Change (“EZ”). YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO USE this Website if you do not agree to be bound by these T&C. Ask us if you do not understand something: We answer questions all day. Your use of the Website and any of EZ’s services will be governed by these T&C. You are invited to print a copy of the T&C for your records.

  • Please read and understand this entire document which governs our services and your use of the Website and any NLN or EZ (hereafter “EZ”) services. We want you to understand the kinds of services EZ can and cannot perform for You (see Part 1 below).
  • EZ is a Legal Document Preparer (“LDP”), Certified by the Supreme Court of Arizona. EZ is also a Legal Document Assistant (“LDA”), registered with the State of California through Los Angeles County where EZ’s offices are located and where its work is done. EZ specializes in assisting self-represented people with Legal Name Change Petitions in Superior Court.  EZ helps residents of every Arizona County with Legal Name Change Petition services: Adults, Children and Families.
  • EZ is not a law firm. No officers or employees of EZ are attorneys. EZ cannot perform any of the legal services that only an attorney can perform. Neither EZ nor any of its officers or employees can engage in the practice of law, advise you of your rights, represent you in your legal matters, give you legal opinions or choose your forms for you.
  • Eric Selten is a Certified LDP (Certificate #82089) and is the Designated Principal for NLN, which is also Certified by the Supreme Court (Certificate #82104) as a Licensed LDP business. The Los Angeles County Clerk, who has Registered NLN as a California LDA every 2 years since 2012, has not evaluated or approved EZ’s knowledge or experience, or the quality of EZ’s work.
  • EZ does not ask for any original documents, prefering to see copies when needed, from you to do its work. If you send any originals, EZ cannot permanently keep your original documents if You request that EZ return them to you. If You provide any original documents to EZ, EZ cannot keep them after all of the contract services have been provided (see Part 1 below). It is a violation of California law if EZ keeps your original documents under any of these circumstances.
  • It is a violation of California law if EZ, or any of its officers or employees make any false or misleading statements to You.
  • EZ cannot obtain special favors from, and EZ does not have any special influence with, any court or any state or federal agency.
  • As required by California law, EZ has filed a bond or made a cash deposit and its officers are registered as Legal Document Assistants in Los Angeles County, California, where EZ will perform all services on Your behalf.


EZ performs all its work for you in its business offices, which are at 5665 Whitnall Highway, Suite 2, North Hollywood, California 91601. EZ can perform the following self-help services for You in connection with a legal matter in which You are representing Yourself: EZ can type or otherwise complete, as You specifically direct, legal documents that You have selected, such as for Name Change. EZ can provide You general published factual legal information that has been written or approved by an attorney or government agency, to help You represent Yourself. EZ can provide You published legal documents. EZ can have legal forms and documents filed and served if You request it and as You specifically direct.

These are the only kinds of court related or law related services that EZ can perform for You. EZ cannot provide You with legal advice, legal representation, legal decisions or any other services that only licensed attorneys can provide. If You need any of those kinds of services, then You require the services of an attorney and not EZ.

EZ cannot provide You any self-help service unless You are representing Yourself in a legal matter and the self-help service relates to that legal matter.

EZ will provide You documents, and all services attendant to preparing them, that You request as part of Your effort to accomplish Your legal purpose objective. The prices You are charged by EZ are always available to You, in advance, through this Website’s FAQs, Posts/Pages, email and phone communications from EZ officers/employees. You will be shown consistent cost information again when You initiate Your order through the Website, based upon Your specific order request. DO NOT COMPLETE YOUR ORDER unless You know, and agree in advance, that the prices You are being charged are the ones You expected to be charged and agree to pay.

You are paying EZ only for those services You expressly request, and no others. It is unlawful for EZ to make any guarantee or promise to You concerning the outcome of your legal situation at all, or concerning anything else unless it is written in this contract and unless EZ has a factual basis for making the guarantee or promise.


Your submission of Your Order, including authorization of your initial website payment for services ordered, constitutes Your agreement to be bound by our T&C and our agreement to do the work You requested at the agreed to prices.

When You complete Your online order and before you input and submit payment information, You will be shown a summary of all EZ charges related to Your order. EZ Petition and Full Service prices are set by EZ; Court Filing, Certified Copy and other costs are set by each individual Superior Court; Newspaper Ad Charges are set by individual, private publishing companies; Costs to set, pay for, and file Proof of Publication of the ads are set by newspaper publishers, and private processing services. EZ pays fees to process those payments and adds a small fee to recoup those payment processing charges. If You disagree with or dissapprove of any items charged by EZ, contact EZ about your concern BEFORE completing your online order. You understand that EZ has a right to rely on Your order information instructions, and authorization, together with Your agreement to pay the initial EZ charges related to Your order.


You may cancel Your order for any reason within 24 hours after Your order has been submitted to EZ and paid for online. If You cancel the contract within 24 hours of placing your Order, EZ will promptly refund any fees You have paid EZ. After 24 hours, and because our customers want their documents prepared as quickly as possible, EZ will have started and/or completed to work you requested. After 24 hours, the only fees that EZ may keep are fees for services which EZ has actually necessarily and reasonably performed, and/or costs paid out on Your behalf.  EZ cannot keep any fees for services performed during the 24-hour period unless You knew that EZ would perform those services and You requested rush services.

To cancel this contract, send EZ a written notice stating that You are canceling the contract. Your notice can be by email, directly to a person, or via the Website Contact Us, or to Cancellation takes effect on the date of EZ’s receipt of Your notice. You can also cancel this contract by delivering a written notice of cancellation to EZ’s physical address within the 24-hour period. 

You may also cancel this contract at any time if EZ:

  • Fails to have these T&C available for You in this Website, so You can read and print them out for Your records before EZ provides any services to You, or
  • if EZ fails to summarize, in Your payment page, the services which EZ will perform and the costs of those services prior to Your confirming payment for them, or
  • If EZ fails to make a copy of these T&C available to You in English and in any other language that You understand if another language was principally used by EZ in any oral sales presentation or negotiation leading to execution of Your order for services.

If You cancel Your order for any of these reasons, EZ will immediately refund, in full, any fees which You have paid EZ. In such a case, EZ will not provide, and you will not expect EZ to provide any services to you. 

You cannot cancel the Petition part of this contract after EZ has confirmed your order and 24 hours has passed or, if after 24 hours, EZ has already prepared and sent you your Petition. In that situation, and at any time after your Petition is prepared, you may elect not to continue with your Name Change but EZ shall not be obligated to refund the initial fees you paid for EZ to prepare and send you your Petition. You cannot cancel the Full Service part of your contract, if that applies, after you have paid for that AND after EZ has submitted your Petition to the court pursuant to your orders and instructions. In such a case, EZ will have paid and/or be obligated to the court for your fees and EZ shall not be obligated to refund the fees you paid for Full Service Filing and Advertising (if advertising was part of your Order).

You may also cancel this contract at any time if You have legal cause.


In the event of suit for damages arising from this contract or to enforce any of its provisions, the court may award the prevailing party his/her/its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.



Full Name and Title: Barbara Selten, LDA; President NLN; Eric Selten, LDP; LDA; Vice-President NLN

Business Name: Nationwide Legal Network, Inc. dba EZ Name Change; LDP (AZCLDP #82104);  LDA (LACLDA-564)

Business Address: 5665 Whitnall Highway, Suite #2,
North Hollywood, CA 91601

Telephone number: 818 505-6189

Fax number: 818 505-6161

LDA Registration number in county where services will be provided: LDA 564

County: Los Angeles


You  Any individual who accesses the Website. Any individual who uses the Website to acquire information and/or to place an order for NLN services. Customer’s individual names and contact information are set forth in their answers to Questionnaire questions and/or payment authorization they complete and confirm.

Customer  EZ only provides Name Change Services to human beings, not business or other types of entities. However, many times, our customer pays for services through a person or entity other than the customer. In all such cases, the payments will always be deemed to come from whichever source supplied the payment and all such payment shall be deemed to be expressly for the beneficial interest of paying the customer’s service charges at EZ. 


EZ’s Website is operated and all attendant services are provided at its principal place of business in North Hollywood, CA (address shown above). By having the Website available online, EZ affirms its agreement to the T&C. EZ’s agreement was made to each individual CUSTOMER/USER at EZ’s principal place of business and becomes effective for any individual CUSTOMER/USER on each date such individual accesses the Website and/or receives requested EZ services.

You/Customer promises and assures NLN and EZ that all information supplied to EZ on behalf of Customer is true and complete for the purposes intended, and EZ is free to use and rely on that information in performing its services. In completing the EZ online Questionnaire and making the initial payment required to submit an Order, you agree that you have requested the specified services from EZ and promise not to dispute that. 

Notices to User/Customer

You may obtain information from the local bar association or a legal aid or legal services office regarding free or low-cost representation by a lawyer.

You may contact the local police, sheriff, district attorney or legal aid or legal services office if You believe that You are the victim of fraud, unauthorized practice of law or other injury.

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We take care of ALL the court forms, filings, and appointments!

Haven’t you waited long enough?

Privacy Policy

We take privacy very seriously. Our Privacy Policy is published and available for you to review anytime through our website link found at the bottom of every website page. We don’t ask for or allow access to your information, for any reason, except for our use to prepare your required court documents. We destroy your information after it’s no longer needed to support your Name Change Petition process. We maintain a high-security website badge and use encrypted data transfer systems. Your privacy questions are welcome.

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