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How Much Does It Cost To Change Your Child’s Name In Georgia?

Child Name Change Costs in Georgia

Changing a Child’s Last Name is a big deal. And, sometimes you want to change your child’s first or middle names too. Name Change Georgia doesn’t take long. It’s not free or simple, but It’s really important to get Your Child’s Name exactly the way it should be. This short article will give you information about all the Child Name Change Costs in Georgia, and how EZ Name Change can you through the process.

Legal Name Change is commonly understood to mean the process of getting a Superior Court Order stating that your child’s existing legal name has been changed to a new legal name. To get that Court Order, you have to go through an established legal process correctly, be approved and have your Court Order signed by a judge of the Superior Court in Georgia.

The Child Name Change Costs in Georgia are not based on how much of your child’s current legal name is to be changed. The process, and costs, are based on the process itself, whether you’re changing just your child’s last name, or whether you also change any part of the first or middle names with or without a last name change too. Any part, even if it’s just one letter. If you want your child’s name legally changed on a birth certificate, ID, school registration and/or other Official Records, the process for that is called a “name change”.

Everything must be prepared and completed correctly for the process to accomplish the important Legal Name Change for your Child that you want.

Summary of Costs to Change a Child’s Name

The total costs will depend on whether both parents agree to the child’s name change, what county you live in now, and how many Certified Copies you want. Here’s an approximate summary of what you need to spend if you have EZ Name Change do your Petition, and both parents consent to the name change:

  • EZ Full Service $190
  • Court Filing Fee $211 (204-290, depending on county)
  • Legal Announcement in Newspaper $140 (60-200, depending on county)

$541 – Total Full Service Costs to Change Child’s Name (approx., add costs for serving the other Parent if appropriate). You would pay $115 of it when you start and then the balance after you return the signed Petition.

Certified Copy(s) $10.00 (4 Certified Copies, paid to the court, upon approval).

Notary $30.00 (paid to the Notary; can be free or up to $100 for mobile notary service). $10 per notarized signature; 3 notarized signatures required when both Parents agree.

Categories of Costs to Change Your Child’s Name

There are 4 categories of Child Name Change Costs in Georgia:

  1. The Petition Paperwork (Court Forms)
  2. Filing the Petition (Court Costs)
  3. Providing Legal Notifications (Newspaper Costs)
  4. Certified Copy of Decree (Court Order)

The Petition Paperwork

The “Petition” is a set of 5-9 or more name change forms.  You can get and fill out all the forms yourself.  Or, you can have help for a fee. EZ Name Change has Full Service ($190 flat fee) to complete all the court forms correctly for your type of Legal Name Change.  Or, you can have a lawyer do this for you ($400-$2000, flat or hourly). You can do them all yourself, but be prepared to spend many hours. 

If your Petition isn’t complete, or if it is incorrectly prepared or pursued, it can mean delays or denial (see Georgia Code § 19-12-1).

Filing Your Petition

The Georgia Courts charge a fixed Filing Fee, which is subject to change at any time by the State and/or County. Each County sets their own charge. As of 2024, the Court Filing costs are typically $211 but can be as much as $290 or as little as $204, depending on where you live now.

Multiple children’s names can be changed in one Petition Filing if they’re in the same family, live together, and the Petition is prepared correctly. Also, filing costs don’t change whether one or both parents consent to the proposed name change.

The Superior Court can waive their fees for Filing and Certified Copies if you qualify. With FULL SERVICE, we can help you with the forms to Request to Waive Court Costs, at no extra charge.

Legal Notification in Newspaper

The Georgia Law (see GA Code § 19-12-1 (d)) requires that you advertise some of the Petition information in a legal notice newspaper. Doing this is generally referred to as giving public notice, or advertising, of your proposed Name Change. It has to be done the way the Georgia law directs in the newspaper that the county courts recognize as the official publisher in the county of the filing. After all the publishing finishes, Proof of that publication must be filed with the court and then the Hearing can be completed.

Each Newspaper sets their own rates for advertising. On the low side, rates range from $60 to $190. $140 is an average rate for Name Change Advertising in a qualified newspaper. With Full Service,  all those arrangements are taken care of for you. 

Certified Copies

After a judge signs your Final Order Changing Name(s), upon approval, you can get Certified Copies of that Final Order to update Social Security, Birth Certificate, School, Passport, etc.  The Certified Copy is the magic piece of paper that will allow you to update your Child’s Legal Name on all ID and Official Records. 

Each Certified Copy costs $2.50 (some counties charge a little more), and you get them from the Clerk of that same court. You can order as many as you want. We recommend you get 2-4. Get an extra one if you’re going to get a birth certificate amended. Figure $10 for Certified Copies.

Serving a Parent - Notary

This will cost $0 to $100, depending on your situation.

If both parents will be signing Consent, then there are no costs to Serve a Parent. If a non-consenting parent has abandoned the minor child, consent may not be required so no costs to Serve might be needed.

If only one parent is signing the Petition, and the non-signing parent has not abandoned the child, that other parent must be Served and given the chance to object to the proposed Name Change.  Costs to Serve might be a few dollars or up to $100, depending on the circumstances.  

Your Petition and each Consent must be Notarized. Notary charges are usually $5-10 each, and you will need 3 if both parents agree. So, figure $20 for Notary charges.  

Shouldn’t Your Child Have the Right Name?

The #1 Rated Name Change Service in Georgia

We take care of ALL the court forms, filings, and appointments!

Haven’t you waited long enough?

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