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Changing Your Name For Entertainment Industry

Are you in the entertainment industry and interested in legally changing your name? Many people in the entertainment industry; whether in music, movies, television, books, stage, live comedy, modeling or ‘behind the camera” have legally changed their names in order to protect family members from fame and paparazzi intrusion, for personal reasons, or so that their known name better fits their entertainment persona and public profile. Some people in the entertainment industry choose to change their names in order to better market themselves. Additionally, many parents have their children use a “stage name” to protect their privacy and personal details. Often, when those children grow up into adults, they prefer to legalize the stage name to which they, their employers and audiences have become accustomed. At EZ Name Change we deal with entertainment and creative people every day, and we help them to make their chosen names legal as quickly and economically as possible. If you’re in any part of the entertainment industry, you know that you can’t afford to waste a lot of time and possibly not get your legal name change done, and still attend to all your professional responsibilities on time. You likely don’t have a lot of spare time in which to find and complete the sometimes dozens of required court forms, applications and procedures required to successfully do a legal name change. That’s where we help. Our Full Service will let you get through the entire process confidently to legally change your current legal name to the name of your choice. Changing your name for Entertainment Industry purposes should be handled properly, promptly and cost-effectively. We can work with court personnel to try to schedule your approval hearing at a time most convenient to both you and the Court, and we will give you everything you need to prepare you to successfully get your Decree Changing Name. With that in hand, you can get all your Professional, Government, and Financial records changed over to your New Legal Name. Many of our Entertainment Industry customers get their union credentials, Social Security, DMV, and payroll records changed on the same day that they get their Name Change Decree. Many, many professionals in the entertainment industry have legally changed their names(here are some stories). Some famous, some not-so-much. A very few of the more well known entertainment industry professionals who have changed either their first name, last name or both first and last names: Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Olivia Wilde, Jonah Hill and Natalie Portman Will your name be here one day? People in every facet of all the entertainment industries consider changing their name and have for hundreds of years. Because the legal process to do it formally is time consuming, a little complicated and always takes away from attending to your craft, only a few of those people actually make it happen. Our Entertainment Industry customers always get theirs done, properly and on time. Whatever your reason for wanting to change your name, EZ Name Change can be your California name change expert, and get you there! Experience and reputation matter. When you’re ready to make that commitment, call us!

Start Your Name Change Now!!

The #1 Rated Name Change Service in California

We take care of ALL the court forms, filings, and appointments!

Haven’t you waited long enough?

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We take privacy very seriously. Our Privacy Policy is published and available for you to review anytime through our website link found at the bottom of every website page. We don’t ask for or allow access to your information, for any reason, except for our use to prepare your required court documents. We destroy your information after it’s no longer needed to support your Name Change Petition process. We maintain a high-security website badge and use encrypted data transfer systems. Your privacy questions are welcome.

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