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Can I Do My Name Change In Secret?

Yes. It’s a Special Confidential Program

There are many reasons a person might want to do a name change in secret. Some of these reasons are if you’re in a Witness Protection Program, if you and/or your children have been the victim of abuse, if you’re being stalked, if you have reason to fear for your safety or your children’s safety, etc. There are provisions within the California Name Change laws for you and/or your children to be able to Change Names in complete confidence (see California Civil Code §1277 (b) (c) and §1278(b)).

The State of California has a highly confidential process available to people with these concerns. If your life or well-being is in danger and you should “disappear” to feel safe, consider participating in the California Safe at Home Program. It is available through the State of California Secretary of State and you can get more information or contact them through their website: California Safe At Home Program.

If you have one of the qualifying kinds of dangerous situations you’re contending with, the Safe At Home program has many other services that you’ll probably benefit by too. They can establish a new address for you. They can provide a confidential mailing address for you too. You can set up confidential voter registration through them. About 6,000 or so Californians are participants. California’s program has been considered the gold standard of Safe At Home programs around the United States.

There are Legitimate Reasons to Keep Your Name Change in Secret

If you’re not in that kind of danger, you can still get a Legal Name Change. But the California Name Change laws (CCP Section 1275-1279.5, abridged) require you to publicly file your Petition and publish ads. The express purpose of the publication is to make the event of your Name Change public, and give anyone in the community a chance to object. Objections are very rare. With EZ Name Change Full Service, we’ll take care the publishing requirements for you.

Legal Name Change isn’t for everyone. And sometimes a name change in secret is impossible. But nearly everyone is eligible. Is it for you? That’s a very personal, and important question. If it is for you, then it’s good to know what you’re getting into, how to get it done…then get ready to move into the rest of your life with the name you chose, on purpose!

If you’re ready to get your Name Legally Changed quickly, with a minimum of fuss or expense, you can Start a Name Change Now with us and we’ll have you on that road in no time flat! Plant Your Flag!

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We take privacy very seriously. Our Privacy Policy is published and available for you to review anytime through our website link found at the bottom of every website page. We don’t ask for or allow access to your information, for any reason, except for our use to prepare your required court documents. We destroy your information after it’s no longer needed to support your Name Change Petition process. We maintain a high-security website badge and use encrypted data transfer systems. Your privacy questions are welcome.

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